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Customer Feedback
Coach Manny is teaching well and informative.
So far it's good and I am excited to learn more especially with all the training provided.
Very comfortable and ready to embrace advance courses.
Smooth and comfortable, coaches are accommodating.
Coach Carmen Duque has always been consistent in her presentations be it one-on-one or in large attendees. I like her approach of teaching because it is very extensive and easy to understand.
The presentations are well discussed and understandable.
Every webinars are new learnings and I gain more knowledge to be applied in my trading.
Coach Manny presented the course material clearly. His presentation has solidified my understanding of the terms further.
Using the smart chart to show the principles explained was really good.
The course outline and the way it was presented exceeded my expectation.
Coach Mameng has presented the course with so much clarity and passion for us the participants to know the importance on how to manage the risk in trading thru trade sizing, portfolio, trade and self management. She also discussed the scaling out and scaling in which I really appreciated so much for finally I understand how to apply them on my future trades. Thank you Coach Mameng for sharing your knowledge, skills, expertise and wisdom to us to better protect my account from future losses.
After attending this advanced course, I could honestly say I feel competent in applying what I have listened to and really excited to apply them in my future trades so that I would feel more confident with my new learnings and skills.
Yes. My course expectations have been met. Thanks to your communication and for having such an excellent presenter on this course.
I am grateful. I can see how you are improving and listening to us on how we can be helped from our needs and concerns while we continue our journey in learning how to become forex trader.
Pre-Course Service Quality
Communication before attending course 93%
Efficient response to enquiries 93%
Overall, how well did our Client Services team meet your needs prior to attending the course 93%
Course Quality
Speaker’s presentation style 97%
Approachability and friendliness of the staff 96%
The training room environment 88%
Quality of content 96%
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