Jun 2018
Bitcoin – 5 things you need to know now!
By bsuper | No Comments

Bitcoin isn’t going anywhere – if anything it’s here to stay … keep up with what’s relevant right now with these 5 tips from Brock Tamasi, Learn to Trade’s Global Unlimited Wealth Director.
- December 2017 so the birth of the BITCOIN DERIVATIVES market which changed the game from typically buying and holding to the big boys being able to short bitcoin on the futures market which means you can buy and sell contracts with a lower delivery price in the future.
- The cost of mining Bitcoin in 2015 was close to $250 per coin, now it is estimated to cost about $4760 in the US., which means there could still be some downside before it heads north especially as costs increase due to computer power expenditure.
- Since being listed on the futures market Bitcoin has gained legitimacy and is here to stay
- Having been established in the futures market Bitcoin has seemingly taken on many characteristics of currency pairs when looking at the spot price (BTCUSD) in the FOREX market.
- This has been a great opportunity for currency traders to take advantage of their skill set and profit from Bitcoin’s recent moves.
Do you want to learn the skills that Forex traders use to trade the Bitcoin market? Register for a free workshop near you.